Business Coaching

Business Coaching is in comparison to life coaching a method involving analysis and reflection on work-related issues. It is usually carried out on an individual basis; however, it can be conducted in a group too. One objective may be to achieve more clarification and a change of perspective. Another goal is to expand your personal and professional skills.

My Approach

Business coaching has become well established both with businesses and individuals alike. The involvement of an expert can take your professional activities to the next level of success. Coaching provides a protected environment to reflect and to gain new perspectives.

Typical Supervision Topics



You've already accomplished a lot and have the skills and life experience necessary to make adjustments in your life's direction. With professional guidance, you can explore various options,

Challenging Employee Converstations

Even for seasoned leaders, employee conversations can be challenging. I offer support in preparation, including effective role-play, and give you the opportunity to reflect on your leadership style.


Professional Development

As a critical investment in your future, professional development should be carefully considered. Especially for experienced professionals, targeted preparation can be crucial to achieving career goals. I provide advisory support with my expertise as a learning coach and educator.

Career Transition

Contemplating a career change requires thorough preparation. My preparation program assists you in presenting your skills and professional experiences convincingly and authentically.